Monday, September 30, 2019

Impact of Byod (Bring Your Own Device)

Impact of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) on Enterprise Mobility: What is Enterprise Mobility? Definition: To put in simple words Enterprise Mobility (EM) is the technology that enables organizations to allow its employees to access the Enterprise data (such as company reports and presentations) and enterprise applications (such as CRM, SFA, emails, calendar, project management etc. via mobile phones or tablets from anywhere at any time. Giving them more flexibility at work, it allows employees to download company real time data, access and updates enterprise applications, participates in virtual meetings and teleconferences from anywhere, any time. End result of which is increased productivity of work force for the company and better service output for the customer. Rational for EM adoption and benefits?The growing number of mobile user base, availability of sophisticated smart phones, improved telecommunication infrastructure and fast adoption of mobile technology by employees/consume rs [35% of the employees globally are estimated to be mobile by 2013 (Satagopan and Mathai 2011)] all these factors together are setting up a stage for growth in EM adaption in near future [â€Å"EM market is expected to grow from  $67. 21 billion  in 2011 to$181. 9 Billion  by 2017 with a CAGR of 15. 17%† (MarketsandMarkets 2012)]. The CoIT (consumerzation on IT) has opened the door to the possibility of using the consumer mobile technology for enterprise purpose and the benefits of EM to an organization are tremendous. The most important benefits of effective EM strategy to any organization are; * Fast information flow: The EM can facilitate supersonic flow of the information within the organization.It can open various communication channels that can facilitate fast flow of information between the employs and between various departments of the company empowering the decision making process within the organization. Ability to share a real time data/ information with em ployees and fast decision making process can mean more efficient service output and opportunity to provide best customer care in the industry. Flexibility and comfort: The successful implementation of EM strategy will also provide work flexibility and comfort to the employees; resulting in the better work culture that companies can further promote to acquire and retain the best talent in the industry. In nut shell the EM strategy is win-win situation for both the employees and the organization. The successful EM strategy implementation holds a key for an organization to achieve the competitive advantage over its competitors and to become proactive to the environmental change.Barrier to the successful EM adoption: The cost associated with the corporate use licenses, purchase and maintenance of mobile devices is the biggest barriers for successful EM adoption. Depending up on the size and the number of employees of the company the cost of purchase and maintenance of the mobile devices could vary form an organization to organization, however it still could be a significant amount for a management of any organization to not to decide to walk on EM path.Could BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) be the solution to overcome the Barrier to EM adoption? What is BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)? Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is trend where people who love there I phone, I pad or other smart devices wants to bring them to work for various reasons And the enterprises allow (with Caveat) the use of such personal devices at work.The reasons why people want to bring/use their devices at work may include (but not limited to): * Comfort: Rather than learning to operate new device (provided by employer) employees feel it’s easier and comfortable for them to use their own devices at work [53% of the employees use their mobile devices for work (Gillett F and et al. 2012)]. * Changing work pattern and work schedule: work places are becoming more and more competitive.Cut throat competit ion at work means no excusive (even if they are genuine) and working out of hours, on weekends and from home which would require use of both company and personal devices such as home pc. * Social media sharing and Constant desire to be connected with friends: no one has survived the social media wave and almost every one (just a figurative statement) today has profile on some social media site and want constantly to be in touch with friends and relatives [68% employees and 71% prospective employees want to access social media at work (CISCO 2011)]. Multitasking: The trend of multitasking has picked up in a recent few years. To make the work environment more attractive and friendly the work restrictions are becoming weak and activities such as listening to music, messenger chat, online gaming are the common activities that employees want to do alongside their duties. * Brand loyalty: more and more consumers are becoming brand loyal and would not typically like to work on a device man ufactured by other company [apple received 2 million orders in the first 24 hours of the new phone launch. Times of India 2012)]. Allowing employees to bring and use their personal devices at work provides number of benefits to the company (some are discussed below). However along with the benefits BYOD often brings enterprise data security concerns. This skepticism about data security and some of the other fall back of the BYOD concept (discussed below in the report) are the reasons why despite the tremendous benefits BYOD can bring to the organization the company managements are very cautious about the BYOD model and not fully convinced to adopt/accept it.Incentive for an organization for adopting BYOD policy: In addition to the benefits of EM strategy that we have discussed earlier in this article, the most important incentive/benefit the BYOD model can provide to a company is the significant cost saving. As the devices used by the employees are owned by themselves the cost of pu rchase, insurance, maintenance, upgrade and ongoing support are paid by employees. That can save the huge cost which otherwise the company would have to bear.The other significant benefit to the company is the IT work force can focus more on supporting the IT requirements of the organization rather than purchasing and implementing the devices (Information service group 2012). Down falls of BYOD The most important downfall of the BYOD model is data security concern. In the event of the device loss the enterprise sensitive data can get exposed if the device falls in to wrong hand. Though the companies can wipe any such data from the device using remote wipe or lock down the device still such incidence (which are very common to occur) can expose the organization to the significant amount of risk.The other down fall of the model is as the employer has no choice on the make or the company/brand of device that an employee can bring to work. The IT department will have to support the devic es simultaneously which are running of various platforms such as iOS and Android and that could be daunting task for IT personnel. The most important argument that advocates the use of BYOD model is that it can save huge cost of buying and maintaining the device however the stipend or reimbursement towards the service plan used by the employees can increase the company cost in many folds than the coast of acquiring and maintaining the devices.Conclusion: In nut shell, the EM and BYOD concept are evolving concepts. Though the environmental factors and market trends suggest that the EM and BYOD will shape the future of the businesses and will change the way business operate today. It would not be wrong to predict that these concepts will take their fair share of time to evolve as mature concepts before business can accept them with eyes shut. References: 1. CISCO 2011, The Cisco Connected World Technology Report, Cisco Company. 2. CISCO 2011, The New Work Place Currency Report, Cisco Company. 3.Gillett, F, Mines,C Warner,J, Bartels,A, Schadler,T Yates,S, Sehgal,V, Huynh,S, Yamnitsky, M 2012 Forrester reserch 2012, NFO WORKERS WILL ERASE THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN ENTERPRISE AND CONSUMER TECHNOLOGIES – A BT Futures Report,Forrester reserch. 4. Information service group 2012 Bring Your Own Device [PowerPoint slides]. Reterived fromhttp://www. slideshare. net/slideshow/embed_code/14265374? rel=0 5. MarketsandMarkets 2012, Bring-your-own-device (BYOD), Consumerimization of IT (Co-IT) and Enterprise Mobility Market – Global Advancements, Business Models, Market Forecasts & Analysis (2012 – 2017), MarketsandMarkets Company Pune. . Satagopan, M and Mathai,P 2011, Ringing in change, Facts of mobile technology adoption in manufacturing, Wipro Councile for research. 7. Times of India 2012, iPhone 5: Apple pushes delivery time to October Sep. 12 2012 Times of India Bibliography : 1. Bridge soft inc 2011, What is Enterprise Mobility? Bridge soft inc, 19/09/20 12, http://www. brigadesoft. com/what-is-enterprise-mobility 2. Darragh Delaney 2012 Implementing a BYOD policy on your network, Computer World, 19/08/2012 http://blogs. computerworld. com/20227/implementing_a_byod_policy_on_your_network 3.Das K, 2012, Bring your own device bugs IT companies despite ban, The Times of India Indore, 9/09/2012 http://articles. timesofindia. indiatimes. com/2012-06-17/indore/32281223_1_device-personal-laptops-security-concerns 4. Malcom Harkins 2011 BYOD: Manage the Risks Intel's CISO on How to Reap the Benefits of Mobility, Govinfo Secutiry 19/09/2012 http://www. library. uq. edu. au/training/citation/harvard_6. pdf 5. Phil Johnson 2012 BYOD from the employee's POV BYOD for the employee has lots of benefits – and drawback, IT world 19/09/2012 http://www. tworld. com/it-consumerization/291968/byod-employees-pov 6. PHILIPPE WINTHROP 2012, CONFUSED ABOUT BYOD? IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT, the Enterprise Mobility Foundation, Inc, 19/09/2012, http://t heemf. org/2012/03/30/confused-about-byod-its-not-your-fault/ 7. PHILIPPE WINTHROP 2012, COULD THERE BE A BETTER WAY TO COPE WITH BYOD IN THE ENTERPRISE? , The Enterprise Mobility Foundation, Inc, 19/09/2012,http://theemf. org/2012/02/13/could-there-be-a-better-way-to-cope-with-byod-in-the-enterprise/ 8.PHILIPPE WINTHROP 2012, UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MOBILE DEVICE MANAGEMENT AND MOBILITY MANAGEMENT, the Enterprise Mobility Foundation, Inc, 19/09/2012, http://theemf. org/2012/02/23/understanding-the-difference-between-mobile-device-management-and-mobility-management/ 9. PHILIPPE WINTHROP 2012, UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE CONSUMERIZATION OF IT AND BYOD, the Enterprise Mobility Foundation, Inc, 19/09/2012, http://theemf. org/2012/02/09/understanding-the-difference-between-the-consumerization-of-it-and-byod/ 10.Shashidahr J, 2012, Work shifts to ‘Bring your own device' culture, The Times of India, 9/09/2012 http://timesofindia. indiatimes. com/business/in dia-business/Work-shifts-to-Bring-your-own-device-culture/articleshow/16444032. cms 11. Singh S, 2012, ‘Bring Your Own Device' is most radical shift in enterprise computing since the introduction of the PC: Gartner, The Economics Times, 9/09/2012 http://articles. economictimes. indiatimes. com/2012-08-28/news/33450634_1_byod-mobile-devices-enterprise-applications 12. Stefanie Mosca 2011 What is

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Man 4102 Class Project Part 1

MAN 4102 CLASS PROJECT PART 1 Karen McCarthy Hawn Student, State College of Florida MAN 4102 Class Project Part 1 Per the digital document from Contemporary Authors (Biography), by Thomson Gale, (2004) Gerard Hendrik Hofstede was born October 2, 1928. He is the son of Gerrit and Evertine Hofstede. He married Maaike A. Van den Hoek on the 4th of June, 1955 and had four children.He graduated from Delft Institute of Technology in 1953 and Groningen University, Ph D (cum laude) in 1967. His work history began in 1953 as a lieutent in the Netherlands Army. In 1955 and 1965 included management consultant for Bernschot Consultants and Stork Machine Works, plant manager for Jovanda Hosiery Co. , production manager of weaving for Menko Textile Co. , and director of staff services for IBM (Gale, 2004).After leaving IBM in 1965 he began his career in research and education and was employed with European Education Center as the manager of personnel research through 1971, IMEDE Management Develop ment Institute as visiting lecturer through 1973, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management as professor of organizational behavior through 1979, Fasson Europe as director of human resources through 1983, and then served as dean at Semafor Senior Management College (Gale, 2004).Hofstede also held several international university positions as a visiting professor or scientist throughout Europe until he assumed his position at University of Limburg in Netherlands. He held the position of director of Institute for Research on Intercultural Cooperation (IRIC) through 1980 and currently is the professor of organizational anthropology and international management (Gale, 2004). The biography listed Geert H. Hofstede as the author on 9 books, contributor on 14 books, and as a contributor to numerous articles to various social science, professional, and management journals in over seventeen countries to date (Gale, 2004).On his website, Geert Hofstede, discusses the reasons he fe els that culture is so important (Hofstede, 2012). Hofstede’s ideas are based on the premise that people share common human nature and as such the shared human nature of all groups is very social, Hofstede (2012). That all groups use empathy and language, all practice collaboration, and all exhibit intergroup competition (Hofstede, 2012). How we all do these things while still being a good member of our various groups is what defines what Hofstede calls the unwritten rules of culture.These cultures include symbols, rituals, laws, taboos, and religions that drive the groups â€Å"moral circle† (Hofstede, 2012). Per Hofstede, (2012) there are said to be unconscious values that change at a slower pace than those of the practices of each group. Hofstede categorizes these groups based on national boundaries, ethnic boundaries, religion, occupation, or academic disciplines and states that the groups are typically classified as either inferior or superior to our own groups (H ofstede, 2012).To get things done we all need to have skills for cooperating across cultures and that enable us to cooperate with members of the globalized world. This concept is addressed in his Hofstede’s book, (Hofstede, Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations. , 2001) and was the outcome of his research during the IBM study. He analyzed employee value scores that were collected between 1967 and 1973 from IBM employees in 70 countries and from this he established the paradigm of cultural dimensions. (Itim International, 2012).In his interview for his biography, Gerard H. Hofstede told CA: Cultures Consequences is my chef d’oeuvre. It deals with differences in thinking and acting among otherwise similar people in many different countries, which was the right subject at the right time. Correspondence with readers about it has become one of my regular side activities (Gale, 2004, page 2). Hofestede’s Cu ltural Dimensions In the course textbook Hofstede’s five dimensions of culture are used to categorize behaviors in different cultures and explain why they differ (Phatak, Bhagat, & Kashlak, 2009).The IBM study of employees from the 70 countries was the basis for the dimensions and has been critized since there was only one company in the data set however, Hofstede’s belief was that using just one company would better reveal the national differences. According to the authors Phatak, Bhagat, and Kashalk (2009), he believed this because the IBM employees were the same in other respects like type of work, job descriptions, and education. This study has been stated to be the most comprehensive study of how values are influenced in the workplace (Itim International, 2012).Itim International, (2012) noted that Hofstede’s work established a paradigm in international economics, communication, and cooperation, from which Hofstede developed the first emphirical model of â €Å"dimensions† for national organizational culutre. The first dimension is Individualism and Collectivism. These are social patterns under which beliefs, attitudes, norms, and values are then organized into one theme. Some countries practice individualism and the members of society are motiviated by their own needs and preferences above the needs of the group.In contrast, countries that practice collectivism are much more closely linked as a group and are motivated by the obligations that are considered norms for the group. Hofstede felt that countries with higher higher per capita gross national product (GNP), were likely countries that would exhibit more individualism than countries with lower per capita gross national product (Phatak, Bhagat, & Kashlak, 2009). The next cultural dimension, Power Distance, is expressed as the extent to which less powerful members of society, institutions, or organizations accept that power will be distributed unequally.Countries with small power distance have subordinates that show a limited amount of dependence on their bosses, there is a relationship based on interdependce, and a preference for consultation when decisions are made. On the contrary, countries with large power distance will likely have subordinates that are very dependent on their bosses, will follow procedures that are dictated by management, and with a reward systems in place that are not equal.There is a correlation noted between cultures that are individulistic which tend to be lower power distance whereas, cultures with strong collectivism will likey have small power distance (Phatak, Bhagat, & Kashlak, 2009). The third cultural dimension in the text is uncertainity avoidance which is described as the extent to which members of society will experience anxiety over uncertainity in their environments and how far they will go to avoid it (Phatak, Bhagat, & Kashlak, 2009).Cultures that are high in uncertainty avoidance will attempt to control these u nstructured situations with strict laws, rules, safety and security measures, and with the use of philosophical and religious beliefs (Itim International, 2012). Uncertainity accepting cultures are more tolerant of opinions that differ from their own and allow many different religious and philosophical ideas to flow concurrently. Masculinity and Feminity is the fourth cultural dimension that compares how societies and cultures are composed based on masculine and feminine tolerance traits.More feminine societies have expectations for both males and females to act in similar manners. Members are supposed to be modest, compassionate, and are expected to stress solidarity through compromise and negotiation. The masculine societies and cultures are driven by material success, money. They expect men to be assertive, ambiutious, and tough. The women of masculine societies are to be tender and hold care taker roles. The masculine society stresses competition, performance and conflicts are r esolved through fights (Phatak, Bhagat, & Kashlak, 2009).The fifth and final cultural dimension is time orientation and it is stated that different societies place a varying emphasis on the value of time. Some cultures value time and are very conscious of how time is spent. Other societies consider time to be unlimited and a resource that they cannot exhaust. This makes the way that multiple countries address puncuality and their sense of urgency very different. Cultures with no time orientation will come across to many other cultures as very casual. The other aspect of time orientation is based on the different cultural views about the future.Cultures with short-term orientations are concerned with things like lesiure time, bottom lines, and have a tendency to use short term investment plans. Their management teams are rewarded for immediate financial outcomes. In contrast the cultures with long-term future orientations have philosphies in which persistence is valued, gratification is delayed, and investments are longer term. In these cultures family and work are not separated and status is respected (Phatak, Bhagat, & Kashlak, 2009).Hofstede’s model of dimensions has been applied in practice to many domains internationally to include public, business, education, and health care and have become widely used (Itim International, 2012). Meaning and Impact of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions John Bing’s article discusses the impact of Hofstede’s work on consulting and business practices across the globe and states that Hofstede’s findings could be applied to business in general (Bing, 2004). The way that Hofstede organized his dimensions into mental geographies explained how there could e similarities and differences between countries in close physical proximity. He states that Hofstede’s survey research which was employed across a large number of countries created a whole new field of comparative intercultural research. Th e Culture in the Workplace Questionnaire Hofstede created has been used to help individuals understand the cultural preferences of their peers and their own preferences. It is believed that many professionals have benefited from studying Hofstede’s work and being able to apply it’s principles to their own work.The author used Hofstede’s principals in his own work during the development of a prototype for the first Peace Corps cross-cultural manual (Bing, 2004). Hofstede’s work has been the standard to which many others make reference and his past works have characterized much of the contemporary cross-cultural quantative research models. There have been many offshoots from his research even from those individuals who do not necessarily agree with his theory or conclusions. If nothing else they at least acknowledge his work.His work was almost immediately used in attempts to determine how people could be helped to work more effectively in more than one cul ture. Hofstede’s work is sometimes misunderstood or misused when practitioners attempt to predict individual preferences based on the scores of the entire cultures. Bing says that Hofstede likes to make it clear that country scores will not predict an individual’s cultural preferences but will predict the group tendencies (Bing, 2004). Hofstede’s cultural dimensions have influenced how people organize and understand the varying cultural dimensions of the regions they travel to for personal and business reasons.Once Hofstede’s dimensions have been studied and understood the subtle niances of different cultures will become more apparent to the informed observer. Such was the experience of Bing per his article as he traveled to Austria and Japan (Bing, 2004). He also discusses the potential benefit of applying a study of the cultural dimensions to gain a better understanding of why countries resort to war when negotiations and other legal, moral, and conflic t management alternatives may be better alternatives.He notes that sophisticated interpreters of Hofstede’s research have found ways to avoid the application of stereotypes about cultures that have long since changed. The value of Hofstede’s research is found when the dimensions are used to help individual learners to understand their own cultural dimensions first. This then opens the door to a better understanding about the different preferences that others in the organization or workplace will have. (Bing, 2004).The study of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions has opened a door of better understanding for me as Bing referenced. It is easy to grow up learning the known stereotypes of other cultures due to misunderstandings of how those cultures have changed or adapted over time. By gaining a better understanding about how entire cultures have come to their common values, their cultural practices, and even their religious beliefs and how these impact business decisio ns and emotions that people exhibit will enhance my overall effectiveness in business.To have an actual framework such as Hosfstede’s cultural dimensions as tools for analysis to use when trying to understand the objections and barriers that come up while transacting business will makes me a more effective employee. I believe that Hofstede’s research has already changed business pratices for many international workplaces with regard to how they prepare and support their employees who are deployed all across the globe.Most companies have cultural diversity training upon hire or annually to reinforce the need for cooperation and sensitivity to diverse cultures in the workplace. I must admit that being an American woman, raised by a single mother of seven, I rate high in individualism and prefer masculinity to feminity. I prefer to work in organizations with low power distance and like the ability to collaborate but not to work where there is a total lack of individual de cision making capabilities. I do think short-term and have a results oriented, time is money mentality.My uncertainity avoidance level is very low and I move quickly to learn and try new things. As I have read the text and studied the findings of Hofstede I came to the realization that I had preconceived ideas about other women who to me appear to lack self empowerment. I will have to practice applying a study of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions to my assumptions in the future to ensure that going forward I reach out with a perspective of better understanding as to why these individuals may be in that less empowered state.References Bing, J. (2004). Hofstedes’s consequences: The impact of his work on consulting and business practices: An executive Commentary. Academy of Management Executive, 18 (No 1), 80-87. Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations. Second Edition, Thousand Oaks CA: S age Publications, 2001. Itim International. (2012). http://geert-hofstede. com/ Thomson, G. (2004). Contemporary Authors (Biography), Thomson Gale Publishing.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Reflection report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Reflection report - Essay Example The lifeline of an organization has a close link with the organizational ability and power to innovate and re-innovate in order to keep the competitive advantage valid in the long run. The companies have to ensure that they find fresh streams of revenue on a regular basis so that they can keep their sales volume steady and intact over the passage of time (Badelt & Weiss, 1990). The companies have to deal with traditional and conventional needs and wants of the customers in a new and inventive way. In the language of marketing, one can say that modern companies require fulfilling expectations of the customers by innovating in terms of finding new ways to satisfy them. The featured company did not innovate on an operational level, but they took their offering to a new level by making a tough and difficult decision of going global when the odds against them were simply overwhelming to say the least. The company made a bold strategic choice of performing international market development (Auger, Burke, Devinney, & Louviere, 2003). The choice was valid, but it was risky, and that helped the company regarding tapping into the latent sources of revenue worldwide (Baron & Tang, 2011). The research effort lifted various sort of data and information about the company through running internet search, and the net profit remained significant in the year of 2011. The abovementioned annual period was lucrative in nature because the company started to reap benefits and results of the decision that involved taking the business to the global level (Elenkov, Judge, & Wright, 2005). The domestic markets were not generating sufficient returns, and therefore, the company had to innovate with reference to establishment of international outlets. The company was manufacturing sports and excursion goods, but they were not able to crunch significant corporate success in the opening years. Besides, the company was operating since 1892, and they decided that they did not have

Friday, September 27, 2019

Critique of a nursing research article Assignment

Critique of a nursing research article - Assignment Example The purpose of the research is therefore viable to the topic. According to French et al., nurses are faced with roles such as carrying patients from their beds, measuring the degree of body temperature, measuring arterial blood pressure among other inventions (qtd. in Sevim, et al., 2008, p. 207). This actions therefore, could lead to a spread in infectious diseases across the hospital’s patients and nurses. Hand washing therefore could be a cheaper, simpler and an applicable key practice that can reduce the rate of hospital infections. Although many nurses try to practice hand washing after handling patients, others find it hard to keep up due to several factors. According to Kampf et al., low hand washing behavior among nurses could be attributed to lack of consistent practice by practitioners, increased education levels that result to a decrement in the practical application of nurses, lack of enough water sinks among other issues (Sevim, et al., 2008, p. 207). It is therefore necessary to address this issues so as to increase the status of hygiene among nurses and patients. For instance, in the case of an outbreak such as the Ebola pandemic, the government should provide nurses with high quality protective gears so as to enable them to interact with different patients without acting as disease spreading ambassadors. In this study, Sevim et al. wanted to determine the overall status of hand washing information that exists among the nursing context more so among the nursing students in Turkey (2008, p.208). The research questions therefore tended to determine the situations in which the students wash their hands in clinical areas. It also sought to determine whether there was a significant difference between the number of patient care activities of students in the clinical setup and hand washing frequency. The research sought to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Community development in social work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Community development in social work - Essay Example These processes include the organization or establishment of services, e.g. for social welfare, health protection, education, improvement of agriculture, development of small scale industries† (cited in UNESCO Working Paper for ACC Working Group on Community Development, 1956, 1). The word social work is made up two words, ‘social’ and ‘work’, and has different meanings when observed from the social perspective of different regions in the world. Thus, social work in India would be different from the social work being carried out in Iraq or Afghanistan, which would again differ in America, or UK, or Australia. Social work concept changes from country to country, varying according to the social and cultural environment, and political culture in the country, where one is conducting the social work. Broadly, social work, which is based on the principles of justice for all and human rights, aims to bring about social changes, develop good human relationship s, and to empower people for their own well being and liberation. Community Development, however, does not stop at just being a part of social work. There are many more implications to the word, and it is extremely broad in its scope. While CD does imply social work, today in the modern era of globalization, it also broadly implies the activities of the various political leaders, various civic activists, and the actions of other responsible and aware citizens, who all get involved in the various works done for the betterment of lives in local communities. So it is much more than just social service. CD means empowering the citizens as individuals, or in groups, so that they can learn the skills (often required to create political power to bring about social consciousness on some common agenda) which can be implemented to bring about positive changes. Thus, one may redefine CD as â€Å"Community development is a set of values embodied in an occupation.   It

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Internal Analysis and SWOT Analysis of Southwest airlines Term Paper

Internal Analysis and SWOT Analysis of Southwest airlines - Term Paper Example Southwest Airline started its operation in 1971 in the United States of America, and their aims have been focused on being different from the other airlines and to provide better services at a lower cost. Southwest airline is a healthier and a more composed airline company in the United States which has gained a large amount of revenues even in the hard times of recession. The weaknesses include the absence of Southwest airline in the international market and the unavailability of the business class seat arrangements. The strengths of the company overpowers its weaknesses therefore, the company is far ahead of its competitors in the competition race. It is recommended to the Board of Directors and the CEO that Southwest Airline has the leading market share in the competition but it cannot solely compete on the basis of low cost but it has to develop some further core competencies in order to compete in the market. The airline firm must always make their employees productive and fuel hedging should be avoided. Introduction: Southwest Airline began its operation in 1971 in the United States of America, and their aims have been focused on being different from the other airlines and to provide better services at a lower cost (Southwest Airline, 2012). This report is a proposal to the Board of Directors and CEO of the Southwest Airline which focuses on the internal analysis of the Southwest Airline. The paper would accomplish the task of analyzing the performance of the company and synthesizing the int ernal analysis with the external analysis of the Southwest Airline. Finally, the paper provides the results and findings about the company’s overall SWOT analysis and provides recommendations to the responsible authorities about Southwest Airlines performance. Strengths Rating Southwest airline is the low-cost carrier operating in the United States 5 The company remains higher ranked airline in terms of customer satisfaction 4 The airline hires the best people, best people for the best job 4 It was the first airline to introduce online ticket 5 Southwest has over 550 Boeing aircrafts which reduces training cost 4 Fuel hedge contract helps in managing the fuel cost effectively 4 Total 26 Weaknesses Rating The absence of Southwest airline in the international market 5 The seating arrangements are not classified for the business class 3 The aircrafts could not carry a large amount of freight 3 The airline tickets are directly available through the internet without intermediary 3 The flexibility in the fare is limited 3 Total 17 Results and Analysis: Southwest airline is a healthier and a more composed airline company in the United States which has gained a large amount of revenues even in the hard times of recession. The airline has innovated many processes as online ticketing and airfreight delivery and has been operating domestically in 42 states but however the company has not achieved its greater heights because of showing resistance in expanding the business internationally. Apart from that, the Southwest airline is considered to be the leading airline in terms of revenues and customer satisfaction (Lauer, 2010). Resource-based view framework: This is a management technique which is used to determine the competitive advantage of a company. In order to achieve success, a company must have operations and resources which should be distinctive from its competitors. In the first step, resources of Southwest airline should be identified in order to understa nd the core competencies of the company (Gittell, 2003). Tangible Resources: Southwest airline consists of 550 Boeing aircrafts which are operated in 97 destinations domestically. The company has a large amount of expert managers and technicians which are considered to be their assets. The company has a total assets worth of $18 Billion (Southwest Airlin

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mangement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mangement - Assignment Example This demonstrates their willingness to work towards their very best the situational factors are given importance because these lay the basis for outlining how a manager can mold his personality in line with the workplace requirements. These embody the basis of his adaptability with the work manifestations – an act that has been deemed as necessary for a long time now. The article also mentions the need for having the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory. This facilitates in the training and development regimes of the employees as they are able to grasp a good enough understanding of how things shape up within the organizational realms (Author Unknown). The role of values is similarly pivotal as the same brings to light the related equation of focusing on the management implications. Employee performance depends a great deal on such factors and hence the emphasis should be placed to ensure that success comes about when commitment is present at all

Monday, September 23, 2019

Cuban Legal System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cuban Legal System - Essay Example military occupation. Cuba’s long and often strained association with the U.S. and a series of U.S. backed governments would lead to the 1959 Cuban Revolution and the current 50-year reign of dictator, Fidel Castro. The web article, Crime and Society: A Comparative Criminology Tour of the World summarizes the Cuban legal system as a composite of the three major stages of the country’s history, ending in what we know today as a socialist legal state. In 1973, the government promulgated the Law of Judicial Organization, establishing a hierarchical and more formal court system, replacing private law practice with law collectives-- strengthening emphasis on "socialist legality. Cuba’s civil law emphasizes written codes rather than precedent as the source of law. It utilizes an inquisitorial system of criminal procedure similar to that of Spain and France, with a smattering of Anglo American law including habeas corpus and a separation of courts and prosecutors quite uncharacteristic of Marxist-Leninist states. The article also sites key elements of Cubas "socialist legality" as an emphasis on substantive rather than juridical measures of justice; the use of law as a pro-active tool fo r socialist development; limited use of formal legal mechanisms for the resolution of private disputes; the use of informal "social courts" to resolve conflicts such as housing and labor disputes; direct citizen involvement in the judicial and crime control, and a system of state-organized law collectives to provide low-cost legal services nationwide. Regarding the latter, Raymond J. Michalowski writes of the non-adversarial system,â€Å"These attorneys, as intermediaries between citizens and the state, often found ways to utilize the formal framework of substantive and procedural laws to represent clients interests despite an official ideology that emphasized non-adversarial lawyering.† (Raymond J.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Gridlock that Costs the Nations Progress Essay

A Gridlock that Costs the Nations Progress - Essay Example Tom Udall of New Mexico in terms of the gridlock in the US Senate. It exposes how things do not get done because of each party’s blocking the other from getting their points across and delaying decisions altogether. The congress has become so impersonal due to conflicts between the Democrats and the Republicans, to let it affect their efficiency in deliberating over the necessary legislations. It was a revelation to George Packer to see an empty chamber while a senator delivers a speech in congress with only the presiding officer present, and probably the next senator scheduled to give a speech, and cameras all around to capture the speech. Packer expected a chamber-full of senators and congressmen as he imagined it while watching speeches on C-span, but he was disappointed to know that in reality, it was only for the sake of the cameras. Packer remembered how the congress was in its so-called â€Å"golden age† from the 1950’s to the 1970’s. He idolized Eu gene McCarthy and how charismatic he was in his talks in front of the people in various locations. As a young boy, he already observed how politicians worked together. Men like Humphrey, Baker, Church, Javitz and McGovern were perceived to be serious thinkers, fully dedicated to serve the country with their positions in Congress. Aside from regularly huddling together to discuss solutions to the country’s problems, they collaborated on doing real action instead of ruling from their â€Å"ivory towers†.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Christina Rossetti Essay Example for Free

Christina Rossetti Essay †¢ Christina Rossetti was the youngest of four children †¢ Mother- Gabriele Rossetti, an Italian patriot who came to London in 1824. †¢ She had one sister, Maria, and two brothers, Dante Gabriel and William. †¢ Brought up as devout Anglo-Catholics. Christinas elder sister Maria eventually became an Anglican nun. †¢ In 1848 she became engaged to James Collinson, a member of her brothers Pre-Raphaelite circle. (broke it off when he became a Roman Catholic. †¢ Next she fell in love with Charles Cayley ( she broke it off because of religious differences. †¢ Her brother William said: She enquired into his creed and found he was not a Christian. Rossettis definition of Christianity was narrower and more evangelical than most peoples. †¢ Like many unmarried middle-class women of that period, Rossetti did not have any paid employment, except for about a year when she and her mother tried to run a day school after failing health and eyesight forced her father to retire in 1853. †¢ Christina Rossettis family was very important to her. Although she loved two different men, and it is clear from her poetry that she could express feelings of love and the heartbreak of losing love, she never married or broke away from home. Her brothers and sister were central to her emotions and she was deeply upset by Dante Gabriels nervous breakdown in 1872. †¢ He died in 1882; she lived as a recluse at home, concentrating on her religious life. †¢ After a period of ill health Christina Rossetti died of cancer on 29 December 1894. Her Poetry †¢ Poetry inspired by her religion. †¢ Many poems, such as When I am Dead, My Dearest, Remember and Up-Hill, are concerned with the nearness of death and the renunciation of earthly love. †¢ Her love of God is passionately expressed in Long Barren, and her poem In the Bleak Mid- Winter is well known as a Christmas carol. †¢ Also a poet who demonstrates in her work, a love of nature. Another Spring and Spring Quiet show an exactness of observation which her Pre-Raphaelite brothers would have undoubtedly appreciated. †¢ Her poem A Birthday is a rapturous expression of delight in love. †¢ She also shows a malicious appreciation of sisterly jealousies in her poem Two Noble Sisters. †¢ Among her works is Sing-Song, A Nursery Rhyme Book, published in 1872, which contains lyrics for young children. †¢ Many people consider that her best work is Goblin Market (1862), the longest of her poems. Because goblins sound as if they belong in a fairy story, it is often put in collections for young children. However, it is really a short epic poem for adults. †¢ The most obvious quality of the writing is the exactness and sensuousness of her descriptions of the fruit sold by the goblins. Comparisons to Other poets †¢ The nearest comparison in English poetry to this must be the description of the feast in Keats The Eve of St Agnes. The most striking thing about the subject matter is its eeriness. †¢ Some people have seen this poem as an allegory, in which the fruits offered by the goblins stand for the pleasures of the world, though according to Christinas brother William she denied that it was anything more than a fairy story. †¢ However, many modern readers may make a connection with the temptations and effects of narcotic drugs. †¢ This may not be a connection that Rossetti intended, but the description of Laura yielding to temptation and her subsequent illness would have been familiar to such families as the Brontà «s, whose brother Branwell died of an addiction to drink and drugs, and to Coleridge, who suffered from a lifelong addiction to opium.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Acupuncture for Chronic Headache in Primary Care

Acupuncture for Chronic Headache in Primary Care Research Critique Introduction Research involves the use of systematic procedures to answer an inquiry. It involves data collection, synthesis and analysis in the light of the question or inquiry; and formulation of conclusions and recommendations, (Badke, 2004). General types of research include experimental studies which â€Å"are used to test the effect of a treatment or intervention†, (Peat, 2001, p. 16). Clinical trails fall under the broad category of experimental trials. Clinical trials are controlled experiments with patients, which range from â€Å"studies to prevent, detect, diagnose, control and treat health problems to studies of the psychological impact of a health problem and ways to improve people’s health, comfort, functioning, and quality of life†, (Brooten, 2006, p.86). Generally, clinical trials can be categorised into either randomised trials or non-randomised trials. This paper will try to evaluate the scientific research conducted by Vickers and colleagues (2004), entitled: Acupuncture for chronic headache in primary care: large, pragmatic, randomised trial, which was published on 15 March 2004 at the British Medical Journal. This particular topic was selected due to its relevance to this field of study. Numerous insights from this field of study and valuable best practice information in quantitative research methods can be gained from undertaking this critiquing task. This critique will be carried out using the research framework for critiquing health research formulated by Caldwell and co-workers (2005), which provides a comprehensive set of criteria against which the elements of the research article by Vickers and colleagues (2004) can be appropriately measured. This paper will first evaluate the overview of the study, including the abstract, literature review and the methodology used. Next, it will critically analyse issues concerning resear ch ethics, data protection and research funding. Then, it will evaluate the reliability, validity of the research results, including the sampling methods employed. It will then identify the specific strengths and weaknesses of the research article. Finally, the concluding judgement about the research article will be presented. Below are the definitions of selected important terms used in the research article: Acupuncture – pertains to the â€Å"technique of traditional Chinese medicine, in which a number of very fine metal needles are inserted into the skin at specially designated points†, (â€Å"Acupuncture†, 2007). ANCOVA – stands for ‘analysis of covariance’ which is a statistical treatment that combines analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression; whereby â€Å"the predictable component of the individual differences can be removed with regression analysis†, (Anderson, 2001, p. 283). Chronic – â€Å"all impairments or deviations from normal that have one or more of the following characteristics: are permanent; leave residual disability; are caused by nonreversible pathological alteration; require special training of the patient for rehabilitation; or may be expected to require a long period of supervision, observation or care†, (Sidell, 1997, p. 1) Negative binomial regression – â€Å"is one of a class of mixed Poisson models that mix a second source of variance with the Poisson variance to account for overdispersion†, (Cohen, et al., 2003, p. 531). Outcome measures – â€Å"reflect patient health status at either the individual or the aggregate (population) level†, (Stommel Wills, 2004, p. 234). Randomised trial A randomised trial is a clinical trial that pertains to â€Å"an experiment in which therapies under investigation are allocated by a chance mechanism†, (Brooten, 2006, p.86). Sham Treatment – is the experimental treatment that â€Å"has no effect and which subjects cannot distinguish from the active treatment â€Å"(Peat, 2001, p. 20). Critical Analysis In March 15, 2004, the BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the British Medical Association, published the research article in its medical journal, the British Medical Journal (BMJ). Its â€Å"print BMJ has been published continuously since 1840, and now appears in four weekly editions, varying only in their advertising content. Together, their circulation totals about 122 000 copies, of which 10 000 are distributed outside Britain†, (BMJ, undated). Its website provides â€Å"the full text of everything published in the print journal since 1994, as well as much material unique to the web†, (BMJ, undated).These make the BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. an influential and authoritative source of medical articles. The authors are recognized medical practitioners with different fields of specialisations. Andrew Vickers is an assistant attending research methodologist at the Integrative Medicine Service, Biostatistics Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York; Rebecca Rees is a research officer at the Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre), Social Science Research Unit in London; Catherine E Zollman is a general medical practitioner from Montpelier Health Centre in Bristol; Rob McCarney is a research officer at the Department of Psychological Medicine, Imperial College in London; Nadia Ellis is lecturer Department of Health and Social Sciences, Coventry University in Coventry; and both Peter Fisher, who is the director of research and Robbert Van Haselen who works as the deputy director of research are from Royal London Homeopathic Hospital. Thus, based on their qualifications, the authors have the credibility, needed knowledge and e xpertise to engage in an extensive scientific study such as the article being evaluated. The article is appropriately titled as Acupuncture for chronic headache in primary care: large, pragmatic, randomised trial, since it essentially focussed on the effectiveness of the use of acupuncture to relieve chronic headache. Moreover, the title expressly implies that the methodology utilizes a large sample in the randomised trial. The abstract appears to be concise and complete. In a few paragraphs, the essential research components were summarised in the abstract, namely: (1) the research objective; (2) setting; (3) participants; (4) interventions; (5) main outcome measures; (6) results; and (7) conclusions. The abstract provides the complete key information that the readers need to fully understand the article. The introduction explained the health costs related to headache, which is the main topic of the article, including the need to apply other approaches in its treatment, particularly, acupuncture. The introduction also provides the main aim or rationale of the study, whi ch was: â€Å"to estimate the effects of acupuncture in practice† in general; and â€Å"to determine the effects of a policy of ‘use acupuncture’ on headache, health status, days off sick, and use of resources in patients with chronic headache compared with a policy of avoid acupuncture†, in particular, (Vickers et al., 2004). However, the literature review was limited to only one source of published work – the Cochrane review of 26 randomised trials. This would be very insufficient in terms of the extent of evaluating available sources of information related to the topic of the study. Moreover, it does not provide a comprehensive evaluation of scholarly work from which the rationale of the study could be based. The study is a quantitative research, since the data obtained are represented in the form of numbers and statistical treatment was employed to interpret the data gathered (Grinnell Unrau, 2005, p. 62). Despite the lack of implicit statement of the hypothesis, the audience or reader can obtain a general notion or idea of what is being tested (the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of chronic headache). However, the variables were not clearly defined. Nevertheless, the procedures employed in the methodology were intricate and systematic. The participants were clearly identified and adequately described in the study. In the accrual of patients, several stages were established to facilitate the flow and recruitment of participants. Figure 1 in the appendix illustrates the flow of participants in the study. Moreover, ethical principles were upheld during the conduct of participant recruitment. Since most legal instruments expressly prohibit the use of human subjects for medica l research, the researchers obtained written informed consent from the participants. The researchers implemented a system to ensure randomization of the study through a ‘password protected database’, thereby eliminating the potential for bias and subsequently improving the quality of the results. As Peat (2001, p. 28), explains: â€Å" in randomised controlled trials, the quality of the evidence is improved if measurement bias, such as observer or reporting bias, is reduced by using objective outcome measurements and if observers are blinded to the group status of the subjects. The method of data collection proves to be valid and reliable, as evidenced by the relatively high number of treatments (12 treatments) employed over a sufficient length of time (3 months). Moreover, a follow-up procedure was implemented to generate â€Å"a global estimate of current and baseline headache severity†, (Vickers, et al., 2004). This further enhanced the validity of the results. The large sample size helped ensure the reliability of the results. Additionally, t he use of measurable outcomes such as the Likert scale of headache severity helped eliminate bias by extending common measurement criteria for the respondents. The article correlated its results with the findings in â€Å"prior literature on acupuncture†, (Vickers, et al., 2004), suggesting a high degree of validity of results generated. The presentation of results was systematic and at the same time, clear and comprehensive. The results portion explained the process of participant recruitment including the flow of participants through the trial, patient compliance and dropout rate and their characteristics. It also provided a clear explanation of data that were obtained with accompanying tables and graphs. Thus, the audience can easily comprehend the results obtained. In the discussion, the results generated were translated into the main findings of the study which were stated in a clear, yet simple manner. Moreover, the strengths and the limitations were identified and discussed clearly. The strengths of the research article are anchored on its methodology, such as in the recruitment of participants with a large sample size, the implementation of a system to conceal the randomization and the meticulous follow-up procedure one year after the experiment. Such procedures helped ensure that the research findings are reliable and valid. On the other hand, one of the limitations of the study is the absence of sham acupuncture for the participants, thereby failing to consider the potential placebo effects. Additionally, the participants were not blinded in the study; thereby raising the possibility of bias in terms of the participants’ assessments of their headache scores. In terms of the literature review, the article failed to provide an objective evaluation of a sufficient body of literature related to the topic of the research. Thus, it failed to address the gaps in knowledge related to acupuncture and chronic headache due to the lack of an extensive evaluation o f available literature. Conclusion In the final analysis, the research article serves as an additional source of authoritative and credible information regarding the use of acupuncture for the relief of chronic headache. The findings of the study strongly support available scientific evidence. The weaknesses of the research article discussed above can serve as important considerations for researchers who are planning to engage in a similar undertaking – they must evaluate a substantial body of literature to gain insight into the currently available information and subsequently identify knowledge gaps. Moreover, future randomised clinical studies in acupuncture should include a sham treatment to be able to consider potential placebo effects; and blinding of participants must be observed to eliminate bias. Bibliography Acupuncture. (2007). In The Columbia Encyclopedia (6th ed.). New York: Columbia University Press. Anderson, N.H., 2001. Empirical Direction in Design and Analysis. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Badke, W.B., 2004. Research strategies: Finding your way through the information fog. (Second Edition). New York: iUniverse, Inc. British Medical Journal. Undated. Available from: [Accessed: 18 April, 2008]. Brooten, D., 2006. Clinical Trails. In: Encyclopedia of Nursing Research (Second Edition). Joyce Fitzpatrick and Wallace, J.J., (Eds). New York: Springer Publishing Company. Caldwell, K., Henshaw, L., Taylor, G., 2005. Developing a framework for critiquing health research. Journal of Health, Social and Environmental Issues, 6(1), 45-54. Cohen, J., Cohen, P., West, S.G. and Aiken, L.S., 2003. Applied Multiple Regression / Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Grinnell, R. M., Unrau, Y. A., (Eds.), 2005. Social Work Research and Evaluation: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches (7th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. Peat, J. K. (Ed.), 2001. Health Science Research: A Handbook of Quantitative Methods. Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen Unwin. Sidell, N. L. , 1997. Adult Adjustment to Chronic Illness: A Review of the Literature. Health and Social Work, 22(1), 5+. Stommels, M., Wills, C.E., 2004. Clinical Research: Concepts and Principles for Advanced Practice Nurses. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Vickers, A.J., Rees, R., Zollman, C.E., McCarney, R., Smith, C.M., Ellis, N., Fisher, P., 2004. Acupuncture for chronic headache in primary care: large, pragmatic, randomised trial. Available from: [Accessed: 15 April 2008]. Appendix Figure 1Flow of Participants Through the Trial Source: Vickers, et al., 2004

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Douglas Egerton’s He Shall Go Out Free Essay -- Douglas Egerton He Sha

Douglas Egerton’s He Shall Go Out Free In a time when revolution swept both Old World and New, it should have been no surprise that eighteenth century Charleston would find revolution fermenting among its slave population. In his book "He Shall Go Out Free", Douglas Egerton describes the life of Denmark Vesey, a freed slave in Charleston, who held a deep and thinly-veiled hatred of slavery and the city’s ruling elite, and was best known for leading a failed attempt at revolt which cost his life. However, Egerton argues one must look beyond the span of Vesey’s lifetime to best understand his impact upon the history of the city. ORIGINS Like most slaves, much about Vesey's early years, including his exact age, family, and nationality, is unknown. The first thing we know about his life was his purchase as a teenager in 1781 from St. Thomas Island, a Dutch colony in the Caribbean, by Joseph Vesey, a slave trader (3). After a short stint as Vesey's cabin boy, he was sold on the island of Saint Domingue, a French colony dominated by sugar plantations where slaves lived short and brutal lives (17). On Saint Domingue, he feigned epileptic seizures to force his return as "damaged goods". Joseph Vesey put him back to work as his cabin boy, as well as translating for slaves (22). When the British evacuated Charleston in December 1782, Joseph Vesey moved his family to the city, bringing Denmark along with him (26). Fluent in English and a quick learner, he was soon busy helping run his owner’s import business, paying taxes and picking up merchandise upon arrival at the city’s docks (33). Nearly twenty years after he arrived in Charleston, luck brought Vesey his freedom. A... names were a "terror to oppressors." Fiction writers with anti-slavery views included characters similar to Vesey in their stories (226). CONCLUSION In his life, Denmark Vesey was virtually powerless member of Charleston’s small society of free blacks in the years between the American Revolution and Civil War. He spent years expressing his disgust of slavery, and his one effort to strike back was quickly rolled up and brutally eliminated. In light of this, there is great irony in how Charleston, a city which fearlessly defied kings and empires would live in fear not of invading armies and attacking fleets, but at the shadow of Vesey’s failed revolt. That one man’s memory could hold such power validates Egerton's argument that Vesey was both an obscure and nearly powerless person, as well a revolutionary figure whose legacy stood tall indeed.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How the Study of Sociology Helps us to Understand Different Societies E

Sociology allows us to understand how different groups of people act the way they do, and also brings us into their cultures, heritage and different backgrounds. This study also explains how culture plays a role in the way different groups act, and how it reflects on their society. There are many social issues that sociology explains, such as how larger social and historical forces effect the way the communities act and how individuals act. All of these topics stress how important sociology is today, and how much of a difference it makes in the understanding of different societies. In today?s society people are influenced by the way other people live, and the way people carry out their lives. Other people like to fallow other peoples values, morals, and how they carry out their responsibilities. All of these things effects the way an individual lives, and acts, for instance if people go to school to get an education and get a well paying job. Many people are going to do the same thing just to be in the same class and society, and make the money to have what everyone else has. The importance of education in today?s world is very important in getting that job that pays exceptional well. In today?s society people go to school get a good job and a few years after getting established they start a family. In the past people sometimes graduated highschool and starting a family was more important then getting that well paid job. There are many benefits in having an social imagination. With the imagination people know how to live their lives, and know how to fit in to a group. They fit into a group to feel welcomed and not like an outsider. Feeling part of a group also give a person self confide... ...n beat up cloths then I assume that their not wealthy, dirty, and doesn?t like to take care of them selves. This judgment of others is bad because I know from experience. I wear nice cloths and try to look good all the time but I am not rich or that wealthy. I know kids from my high school who wear worn, beat up cloths that are really rich, and they wear those cloths because that?s their style of living. It could be their culture in a sense but they are just being them selves. With out the study of sociology many people wouldn?t know where to begin in how to understand how a society works. The examining of how the culture works and functions helps us to get a feel of how the different cultures relate to each and every one?s society. Through this study we get a whole new view on how the world is oriented on culture and how every society acts.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Children’s day Speech Essay

Respected Headmaster, teachers and my dear friends, Today we have assembled here to celebrate the Birth Anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru as Children’s day. He was fondly called as Chacha Nehru by all children in a loving manner. He loved children very much so he decided to celebrate his birth day as children’s day. Nehru was born on 14th November, 1889 in Allahabad. His father was Motilal Nehru and Mother was Swaroop Rani. Since from his childhood, he was very intelligent boy in all aspects. After completion of his schooling in Allahabad, he went to England for his higher studies . On completion of his studies, he returned to India in 1912 as a lawyer in profession. In India there were many movements started by different freedom fighters of India against the British people. So, Nehru also joined the Indian National Congress in 1920. It was the period of Mahatma Gandhi who leaded the whole freedom struggle. Nehru also got very much attached with the policies of Mahatma Gandhi that is ‘Peace & Non-violence’. see more:welcome speech in school function He actively took part in all freedom movement started by Mahatma Gandhi. This made a great change in the freedom struggle. Slowly and slowly people started joining the struggle finally it is possible to consolidate a huge mob in the movement like Non-cooperation movement, Dandi March, Quite India Movement and many more. He went to jail for many times but that didn’t stop him from fighting for the country . Finally India got its freedom on 15th August, 1947. Jawaharlal Nehru became the first prime Minister of India in 1951. He was honoured by the country with Bharat Ratna in 1955. So, on the behalf of the entire school I am wishing you all a very happy childrens day. Jai Hind! 3.How to attract audience with our speech on Children’s day Esteemed Directors, Respected principle, Dear colleagues and My dear Students, I am very much delighted to associate myself with all of you on the occasion of Children’s day today. I express my best compliments to you all from the core of my heart. Children’s day has its own significance . Jawaharlal Nehru was born on 14th November . He loved children very much. Children endearingly call him ‘Chacha Nehru’. So we are celebrating Children’s day to commemorate his birth aniversary.According to Nehru , â€Å"The students of today are the citizens of tomorrow†. No doubt, you are best students today. You will occupy important position in future career. All of you should be inspired by our beloved former Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru . Some of you will become doctors , engineers , lawyers , I.A.S Officers ,teachers , lecturers ,leaders etc. You are the strength of our counrty. You are the nation builders. If the younger generation is brought up in a good environment, our country can prosper in the years to come. There is a proverb in English . Strike while iron is hot. It means we have to do certain things in right time. It is easy for us to mend the minds of the children. Thus we can shape their future beautifully and wonderfully. It is the duty of the children to love their parents and respect the teachers and elders. Without this quality , you cannot achive anything great. If achived it is useless. Dear students, Be sincere, Be Honest, Be Frank, Be Devoted, Be Dedicated, Be Determined and Be Disciplined. These words may be easy to utter but diffucult to fallow. You are the little masters today. Tomoro you will be the masters of your minds.It’s time to leave of you wishing you a bright career. Thankyou. Speech Good (Morning / Afternoon / Evening) every one . hearty welcome to my friends, respected teachers, honorable chief guests and media. on behalf of , on this auspicious occasion. I am here to deliver speech regarding the Children’s Day . Very Firstly let me wish you all a joyful Children’s day. All though it is officially declared to celebrate on 20th November in regard to The UN General Assembly as it accepted the Declaration of Children’s Rights in the year 1959.yet In India Children’s day is celebrated every year on the account of Jawaharlal Nehru’s birth day eve as on 14th November. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru birthday has been chosen for the celebration of children. The ultimate reason behind this celebration is his UN fainted love and ardor towards children. Jawaharlal Nehru had worked passionately and perspicaciously for the betterment of children as well as youngsters right after the independence on august 15,1947. He was very much enthusia stic and whole hearted about welfare, valuable education and overall improvement of children in the country. He was greatly warmhearted about children and therefore & indeed became well-liked as â€Å"Chacha Nehru† for his little buddies. Chacha in the sense UNCLE and finally after his death in 1963, his birthday has been celebrated as children’s Day in India. Its simply not the day which one can assemble, lecture, eat and disband but one should keep in mind that a leader who determined the rosy way which ultimately laid the foundation to renovate a promising nation into a supreme body. The well known fact that all the time reminds me is that, Childhood is the best phase of one’s life which is in fact very free of personal responsibilities and financial burdens too. Intentions are very much clear and mind -body; heart –soul works genially. The impurity of mind makes the children different from others. On the Children’s Day a grand accolade is paid to all children. If truth to be told, Children are always liked and loved by each and every one. They straight away prevail our hearts with their adorable eyes and guiltless smirks. Often strikes that, it is the way the creator (GOD) wanted to see all of us. The back ground part is over now coming to the fun making arena. Children are very much enthusiastic to participate in games, activities and all. To their chance the children’s day clears the barriers and allows them to live how and what they actually want to. As to their wants the institution organizes many exuberant activities to let them show case their talent which cannot be displayed in the normal  course of academics. Various competitions such as essay writing, elocution, painting, modern dress, singing and cultural programs have been conducting by our institution to keep the momentum and encourage children beyond academics’. I hope and wish, all of you will definitely reach your dream destination in life and make your parents and teachers feel proud of your success by the way moving the nation forward with wonderful innovative thoughts striving for the up lift standards of the society. With this I would like to conclude and further proceedings will be taken up by the president of the function.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mary Seacole

Mary Seacole Mary Seacole was born in 1805, in Jamaica. She nursed soldiers during the Crimean war which started in 1854. Her mother was Jamaican and her dad, a Scottish soldier. Her mother was also a nurse and used herbs for medicines and treatments. At the age of 12, she had already started to behave like a nurse because of the help she provided to her mother with the sick and wounded. When she was older, Mary opened a hotel in Jamaica to help care for the sick. Mary wanted to help those soldiers involved in conflict in Europe.She travelled to England in the UK but no one was interested in taking up her offer to help the ill and wounded soldiers. She instead stayed in England, paying her own fares and eventually setting up another hotel. There, she sold goods and clothing for the soldiers in the hotel. She would cook, clean and care for the soldiers. Mary tried to enlist her help for the Crimean war but was not chosen by Florence Nightingale who was in charge of caring for the woun ded. Mary instead travelled to the battlefield alone (covering 4,000 miles).She helped on the battlefield, sometimes even during cannon fire. Mary cared for the men very lovingly. The wounded men loved Mary and called her ‘Mother Seacole’. Florence Nightingale was unimpressed by Mary Seacole's work in Crimea, and accused her of intoxicating soldiers and running a brothel. If you ask someone ‘Do you know who Mary Seacole is? ’ they might say ‘No’ this is because Florence Nightingale got more recognition than Mary Seacole. Mary Seacole did just as much as Florence Nightingale, which is why, I think Mary Seacole should have a day to be remembered.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Baby Dumping Among the Teenagers

The pie chart shows what could immediate reason for the teenagers to dump babies. There are several reasons for them to dump babies.Based on figure 6, 71% shows the reason for the teenagers to dump babies is feeling ashamed, followed by afraid of parent approval which is contributed 29%.As a conclusion, most of respondents choose afraid of parent approval as an immediate reason for the teenagers to dump babies.Figure 2 The chart above shows respond from respondents about is it fair to dump a baby if the mother is forced to. Based on the figure above, 17.6% of the respondents say yes about this question. Beside that 82.4% of respondent say no.As a conclusion, majority of respondent say no. In fact, child is a priceless gift from Allah SWT. So that is very unfair to punish them because of our sin. It is narrated in holy Al-Quran 81: 8-9 :â€Å"When the girl-child that was buried alive, Is asked for what crime she was slain?'.Therefore, dump a baby not a solution to address this issue. Factors influence of baby dumpingFigure 3From the figures the three highest factors influence of baby dumping are lack of religious upbringing, poor application of religious knowledge and lack of parented care supervision.Figure 1 above showed 20 respondents choosing the lack of religious upbringing is the highest factors responsible for the problem of baby dumping among teenagers in Kuala Lumpur. Meanwhile, 17 respondents choosing the poor application of religious knowledge as a factor number 2 and 11 respondents choosing the lack of parented care supervision as a factor number 3 as a causes for the problem of baby dumping among teenagers in Kuala Lumpur.As a conclusion, there are seven causes of baby dumping. Out of the seven causes of baby dumping from our survey, respondents have choosing the 3 main causes namely, lack of religious upbringing, poor application of religious knowledge and lack of parented care supervision and the two lowest factors of baby dumping are media influe nce and economic problem (poverty).Seven main causes of baby dumping among teenagers in Kuala Lumpur1. Lack of religious upbringing In this case, we don’t deny that the lack of religious upbringing is the main reason for baby dumping cases to occur. Usually, groups of adolescents are involved in the case of abandoned babies. Lack of religious teachings and guidance to life cause them to lose direction in life and engage in negative symptoms, such as free association. Adolescents who are engaged in free sex tend to result in unwanted pregnancy before marriage. In this situation, teens who lose their faith measure inhumane and would leave their newborns  in places like public toilets, litter bins, side drains and so on2. Poor application of religious knowledge â€Å"Religious prayer pole† said our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. When someone lacks of their religious prayers, their whole life is damaged. Without religious, humans are blind as they cannot have proper guidance to life.3. Lack of parental care supervision Sometimes, parents are always busy with their work. Teenagers must pay attention to them a lot. They need love and they need friends to talk about their problems. Some teenagers like to take opinions from their friends of different gender. When that happen, some of their boyfriends take advantage to do free promiscuity. When unwanted babies are born they are dumped because of absence of adult adence.4. Family break-up Family break-ups happen after a long period of misunderstandings, fighting and unhappiness. Sometimes they happen suddenly and it is hard for children to understand the situation. Children are mostly affected by this kind of situation. If both their mother and father decide to a divorce and cannot raise their children alone, the tendency is that they will dump their child. This child will become homeless and find himself alone.5. Peer Influence In addition, peer influence also leads to cases of baby dumping occurred. This is b ecause at a young age, teens are very easily influenced by their peers. This problem becomes worse when they associate with negative peers. Negative friends will invite young people to do things outside the boundaries of religion and norms of society, such as going to places of entertainment such as disco, taking drugs and doing free association. Many teens who fall into promiscuity, and eventually reach a dead end to find her self with unwanted pregnancy. In desperation, they have to discard their babies.6. Media influence As we know, media such as Majalah Mangga, URTV always publishes many articles and news about social life. Sometimes television also highlights social life. Such matters encourage teenagers to follow the example expose.7. Economic problem (poverty) If the teenagers come from poor family, they always have economic problem. Sometimes they see economic problem as a one way to go far away from the family. Sometimes they become prostitude to make some easy money. So fr om promiscuous activity. When unwanted babies are borned, without think, they dump the babies anywhere without mercy.

Finance 3301 questions Essay

Broussard Skateboard’s sales are expected to increase by 15% from $8 million in 2012 to $9. 2 million in 2013. Its assets totaled $5 million at the end of 2012. Broussard is already at full capacity, so its assets must grow at the same rate as projected sales. At the end of 2012, current liabilities were $1. 4 million, consisting of $450,000 of accounts payable, $500,000 of notes payable, and $450,000 of accruals. The after-tax profit margin is forecasted to be 6%, and the forecasted payout ratio is 40%. Use the AFN equation to forecast Brous- sard’s additional funds needed for the coming year. Required increase in assets – Increase in spontaneous liabilities – Increase in retained earnings = AFN AFN=($5/$8)*$1. 2 – ($1. 4/$8)*$1. 2-$9. 2*6%*(1-40%)=0. 75 – 0. 21 – 0. 33=21% Chapter 10 Tony Company’s balance sheet shows $300 million in debt, $50 million in preferred stock, and $250 million in total common equity. Tony Company`s tax rate is 40%, rd =6%,rPS =5%,andrs =10%. If Tony Company get capital structure of 30% debt, 5% preferred stock, and 65% common stock, what is its WACC? Wd=30% ; Wps=5%; Ws=65% WACC=Wd*rd*(1-T)+Wps*rps+ws*rs=30%*6%(1-40%)+5%*5%+65%*10%=0. 0108+0. 000125+0. 065=7. 59% What kinds of the T-bonds is the best proxy for the risk-free rate is the yield on? Answer: A A, long-term B, short-term C, No one Chapter 11 A company creates value when the spread between EROIC and WACC is positive—that is, when Answer: B A, EROIC ? WACC = 0 B, EROIC ? WACC > 0; C, EROIC ? WACC

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Mark Twain’s novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay

Actions speak volumes of character. While words are used to convey emotion, action is what determines character. In Mark Twain’s novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, he emphasizes the relationship between characters’ actions and their moralities. Ironically, Huck and Jim, the novel’s social pariahs, represent the moral fiber of this novel as they defy predefined racial boundaries and learn to trust and even love each other. Tom Sawyer, Huck’s well off, socially accepted counter part and literary foil, is a manifestation of selfishness and corruptness, despite being of a higher class than Huck and Jim. As the novel is plot driven, Twain establishes the characters’ morality through their actions, and ultimately asserts that it is character, not class, that determines integrity. Huckleberry Finn, for whom the novel is named after, is the protagonist of the story. In the beginning Huck is portrayed as a troubled boy with a questionable past. Since Huck’s father was an alcoholic and abusive, Huck lived with Miss Watson and the Widow Douglas. Society looked at Huck as if he were â€Å"that kid†, the kid who causes trouble, who is uneducated, and the kid to pity. However, Huck’s intelligence and moral superiority to those who surrounded him is proven when he chooses to keep Miss Watson’s slave, Jim, in hiding instead of turning him in. When Huck decided to do the morally correct option of keeping Jim safe, even though he could be sent to jail, shows what kind of character Huck is. Jim, Miss Watson’s slave, at first glance seems to be superstitious to the point of idiocy, but later on, the time that Huck and Jim spend on Jackson’s Island reveals that Jim’s superstitions conceal a deep knowledge of the natural world and represent an alternate form of â€Å"truth† or intelligence. As Huck and Jim make their way down the river, Jim becomes a surrogate father to Huck, taking care of him without being intrusive or smothering. Jim cooks for the Huck and shelters him from some of the worst horrors that they encounter, including the sight of Pap’s corpse, and, the news of his father’s passing. Jim is realistic about his situation and must find ways of accomplishing his goals without incurring the wrath of those who could turn him in. In this position, he is seldom able to act boldly or speak his mind. Nonetheless, despite these restrictions and constant fear, Jim consistently acts as a noble human being and a loyal friend. In fact, Jim could be described as the only real adult in the novel, and the only one who provides a positive, respectable example for Huck to follow. Tom is the same age as Huck and his best friend. Whereas Huck’s birth and upbringing have left him in poverty and on the margins of society, Tom has been raised in relative comfort. As a result, his beliefs are an unfortunate combination of what he has learned from the adults around him and the fanciful notions he has gleaned from reading romance and adventure novels. Tom believes in sticking strictly to â€Å"rules,† most of which have more to do with style than with morality or anyone’s welfare. Although Tom’s escapades are often funny, they also show just how disturbingly and unthinkingly cruel society can be. Tom knows all along that Miss Watson has died and that Jim is now a free man, yet he is willing to allow Jim to remain a captive while he entertains himself with fantastic escape plans. Tom’s plotting tortures not only Jim, but Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas as well. In the end, although he is just a boy like Huck and is appealing in his zest for adventure and his unconscious wittiness, Tom embodies what a young, well-to-do white man is raised to become in the society of his time: self-centered with dominion over all. In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain’s plot driven story establishes the characters’ morality through their actions. Through Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, and Jim, it is proven that it is character, not class that determines integrity. Through out the novel, each action Huck and Jim took made them stronger and smarter, while each action that Tom took made him crueler. Mark Twain wrote this novel not only to reflect on his childhood, but also to define the importance of a moral conscience.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Reflective Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Reflective Paper - Assignment Example Personnel manement also dealt with labor relations. Employees were only treated as machines and were only used to get work done. Towards the end of 1940, people working in organizations realised that their feelings were affected by their working conditions and also effected their productivity. During this time personnel management approach was discarded and human relations approach was adopted. The human relations approach focussed more on the social and psychological factors such as: Working conditions Relationship between the workers and their managers Support and style of leadership of the mangers workers involvement in the decision making process The human relations approach helped to change the attitude of the managers towards the workers, they started treating the workers like human being and not just machines for the production of goods. However with the emergence of HRM people of the organization were recognized as a source of competitive advantage. HRM can therefore be terme d as a system of policies, practices, programmes, philosophies,and decisions that affect the bahavior, performance, attitude of the people of the organization so that they are satisfied, perform and contribute in achieving the objective of the organization. Human Resource Management includes practices like human resource planning, job profiling, job design, job analysis, recruitment, selection, orientation, training and development, compensation, performance management, grievance management and maintaining labor relations. Functions of HRM Figure 1: Multiple Role Of HR Functions (Amos,Ristow,Pearse, & Ristow, 2009, 10) From figure 1 we can say that an effective HR function fulfills multiple roles such as alligning its own strategies with the overall business strategies and assisting the business in organizing itself for the execution of all its strategies. It becomes very apparent from the figure that HRM plays a continuous role both in strategy formulation as well as in the impleme ntation process. The function of HR can be classified in three broad heading (Pravin, 2010,6) These are: 1. Managerial Functions 2. Operative Function 3. Strategic Function The Managerial function of HRM involves planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. Planning- It is an effective tool for determining the personnel programmes that are neccesary to achieve the organizational goals. Accurate forecasting is the is vital for the success of any plan. Planning involves establishing the goals and objectives that are to be achieved, developing the rules and procedure and determining plans and forecasting techniques. Organizing- After formulation of the plans, the organization of men and materials are done for accomplishment of the plans. Through organizing, a firm establishes its structure or hierarchy and determines the authority, accountability and responsibility of the employees in regards to the job. Organizing involves giving each member specific tasks, establishing divisions and departments, delegating and establishing channels of authority and communication and creating a system to coordinate the works of the members. Staffing- It involves the creation and maintainance of human resources through employment, training and development, benefits and industrial relations measure. It involves

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Self-Branding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Self-Branding - Essay Example Evidence for the need of self branding in today's highly competitive labor market will be presented. Tom Peters, a well known management writer went on to say in an article in Fast Company 1997, "Regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business we happen to be in, all of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called you." Self-branding, most simply stated is a source through which one can have a more successful career by promoting his or her accomplishments by the effective use of self-marketing. It's a technique of making oneself visible and letting one's accomplishments be known. Self branding is proving to be a new competitive edge that companies as well as individuals are focusing on. A business that is self branded is appealing to customers as it creates an emotional connection with the target market and makes the buyers feel more comfortable and interested in the company. Similarly, a person that is self branded gives the impression of a more professional, competent and attractive employee as compared to the competitors in the labor market. It is now well known and widespread that the world is a 'global village'. This means that globalization has shaken the world creating a unified society or community that needs to interact in order to survive. The shrinking of the communication boundaries has been impacting every facet of a business especially by creating more competition in the worldwide industry. The competitive environment due to the expansion of the markets has a direct impact over the labor market and makes it more important for each and every person to market themselves through the process of self branding and create a place in the global supply chain. (Stimpson, 2002) Another emerging phenomenon is the advent of Internet and other Technologies, anyone entering the labor market faces substantial competition and has to create an impact to stand out and be noticed. Employers can look all over the world for workers with the skills to meet their firm's needs. But are we as individuals ready for these challenges The answer is lies within the beholder. Self-branding, whether we consciously acknowledge it or not, is the ultimate personal resource we can tap into, not only to compete but to stand out in a global community. It is often claimed by people that they would not want to follow the approach of self branding for the reason that they may want to stick to their routines and see where their careers take them. Or at other times some believe that they are not good at marketing themselves. However, this is a misconception and misinterpretation of the concept of self branding because the fact is that if you do not brand yourself, others definitely will! This will prove to be a major drawback, the reason being that self branding is something that will show what one has to offer and letting go of this opportunity can prove to be the act of letting others make the best use of it and hence, benefiting from better career opportunities and openings. (Kaputa,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Analysis of the Film Star Trek Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of the Film Star Trek - Essay Example Technology has played a big role in shaping global politics and global powers, which in turn affects the global economy. It is evident that technological advancements in a country determine its international economic influence. For instance, the US holds its current position in global politics and economy due to its state of technology. Other nations such as China and India have invested a lot in technology to gain international recognition. The film also illustrates the key sectors that countries invest their technology. The first area of interest is communication. Unlike past technology, modern communication devices have numerous capabilities and therefore numerous implications for the governance of a country. The film indicates the greater development of technology and therefore greater impacts on governance. Since the time of the scientific revolution, the government has played a great role in the development of science and technology (Asherman 134). For instance, the most sophis ticated technology is applied to the production of military types of equipment. In addition, the current mobile technology was applied by the military before communication devices for civilians were made. This indicates the influence that political governments have on science and technology. Space science the other aspects of technology that is of interest to the global leaders. Different world powers have a keen interest in space technology at their own capacity. America was the first country to conduct successful space explorations with the 1960 s landing on the moon been their climax in space exploration. This made Russia initiate its own space exploration programs aimed at countering the efforts of the US. Their 1970 s landing on the moon came as a surprise attack to the US. Tensions and rivalry between the US and Russia heightened during the cold war and each of these powers used its space exploration programs to demonstrate its military capabilities. Since the end of the cold war, space exploration has not received much progress and enthusiasm. This is a contradiction since missions conducted in the 1960 s and 70s did not involve the state of the art technology that is available in the modern world (Asherman 34). This indicates that political systems in the world are critical to such discoveries. Recently the Chinese and Indians have shown their interests in continuing the works initiated by Americans and Russians. China and India have launched their own satellites into space and they intend to send astronauts to the moon. The progress has been made by China and India indicates the shift of political and economic power from the west to the east. Although the film depicts the capabilities that technology has over governance, it also shows the negative aspect of technology on governance. The film demonstrates incidences of attacks on communication systems. Cyber attacks are the next battlefield in the modern world. Incidents of cyber attacks have been repo rted in various countries. This shows the role that technology plays in shaping global politics. Iran has reported cyber attacks on computers that operate its controversial nuclear facilities. According to BBC news agencies, the cyber attacks that were carried out on Iranian nuclear facility have the capabilities of slowing Iran’s nuclear ambitions for a period of five years.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Cross culture management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cross culture management - Essay Example Essentially, the organisational culture followed at IKEA in Sweden was very different from the Spanish culture which was experienced to be more hierarchical, more rule bound, and more aware of status than the Swedish culture. While the company appears to be very aware of culture and even uses differences in cultures to its advantages as reflected by its advertising campaign for the British, it found itself in a bind when it tried to export its organisational culture to branch offices of the company in different countries. As per the case study, The culture at IKEA is essentially Swedish in nature where decisions are made with the consensus of others, mistakes are a part of the learning process and creative approaches to problem solving are rewarded. Red tape is frowned upon and status barriers are discouraged while managers like to work closely with co-workers. It is essentially a culture of equality when business cards do not carry titles and employees are supposed to work their way up the company without any formalised training. In fact, any education given to the employees is through discussion and explanations which explains the philosophy of IKEA. The company seeks employees with open minds, positive communication skills, a good work attitude more than it seeks employees who have degrees in sales and marketing. This particular organisational culture came into direct conflict with the national culture of Germany where hierarchical systems are important and personal initiative is discouraged. Even something as simple as using the managers’ first name created issues and risk assessments procedures showed that the German employees functioned differently when it came to making choices from a set of given options. Similarly, informality in France was seen as a sign of weakness and indecision which was taken to mean that the employees could do

Monday, September 9, 2019

Feedback Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Feedback - Essay Example In a speech provided by the White House Web site (2009) titled â€Å"Remarks by the president on the home mortgage crisis,† President Barak Obama highlighted how the mortgage phenomenon challenged the American dream and it frightened our nation’s financial system, the strength of our families and communities. President Obama (2009) said that, â€Å"its a crisis that strikes at the heart of the middle class: the homes in which we invest our savings and build our lives, raise our families and plant roots in our communities.† Millions of this country’s citizens ended up losing their jobs and are still at risk of losing their properties. The foreclosure crisis impacted the United States economy dramatically, and I strongly believe that one way to protect ourselves from foreclosures is to control the risk of our financial activities, and as homebuyers we should be well aware of what type of loans we can afford. As homeowners it is essential to take responsibility and take proper actions when it comes down to correctly distributing the household’s budget. According to Petrovich (2008), usually one individual manages the books in the majority of our households, meaning taking charge for bills getting paid and supervising the finances. Moreover, Petrovich (2008) had written that the person in charge knows if the total income is enough to keep up with the expenses. It is easy to review your expenses increases versus the earnings you are bringing home. Are you considering in your monthly balance sheet costs like utility bills or simply groceries? Determining and examining your spending behaviors is crucial to be successful at managing your finances, and have a lifestyle that meets your budget (Petrovich, 2008). But what do we know and why do we care about foreclosures? According Frame (2010), foreclosure can be defined as a legal

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Developing new or existing funding streams for a Social Enterprise or Essay - 1

Developing new or existing funding streams for a Social Enterprise or Charity Project - Essay Example Thus, the social enterprises can considered to be a business model which is primarily engaged in promoting sustainable society by generating prospects for better socio-economic and environmental development. Moreover, social enterprises have charitable intentions rather than commercial and profit centred inclinations (Kernot & McNeill, 2011). Since many social enterprises have emerged from the voluntary sector due to which these enterprises are often encountered with unique challenges in growing their business as well as accessing requisite funding (Kickul & Lyons, 2012). Currently, funding has become increasingly difficult for social enterprises to obtain because social enterprises concentrate more on attaining social, economic and environmental sustainability at the cost of growth which might place potential risks on their ability to generate and to access requisite funds (Scottish Social Enterprise Coalition, 2009). The creative problem solving process such as ECI has been proven to be a much effective technique for overcoming issues such as difficulties in fundraising which have unfavourable impacted on the functioning of the social enterprises. Thus, in order to effectively tackle the challenges of fund raising encountered by the social enterprises such as The Children’s Society, Enterprise Case Initiative (ECI) technique has been duly applied for the study. The ECI comprises a few relevant stages, for example, mess finding, problem finding, data finding, solution finding, idea finding and acceptance finding. Additionally, this report critically analyses the environment under which social enterprises are operating in the United Kingdom. Furthermore, this report intends to discuss and to evaluate the challenges encountered by social enterprises like The Childrens Society in the UK. This report shall duly emphasise on ECI model for addressing various fund raising issues associated with T he Childrens Society in the UK. The